All posts by dearpaulinelim

Live life

waiting to die ? What is to come ? Death ?

Seize the moment . Seize the day. 

Be thankful I have a job. Be thankful I have a wonderful, loving and supportive husband. Be thankful my family loves me. 

So what am I waiting for .

Just to it. 

Happy Birthday

  Dear God 

Thank you for everything. Grant me a grateful heart in all the days of my life. Be with me each step I take , each thought I think and each breath I take. Strengthen me, physically , mentally and emtionally. Keep me safe from the evils of the world. I ask for wisdom from you oh God,  that I may know what to do and courage to do , all that pleases you. Be with me oh Lord, all the days of my life, that I will always love you. Amen.

Preparing for the next decade

in 2 days time, I’ll be 41. Writing the number for the first time makes me realise how blessed I am to live this long, for I am living beyond my own life expectancy of 25:) 

I have been wondering for a while how to live a life so long. Interestingly, after watching Joe Black starring Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins, I think I got my answer, something i knew but this time, it has given me a deeper understanding. 

Live each day like it’s a new beginning.

I have everything I want. I have no need:) This weekend has got both of us grounded due to the flu. I did enjoy our stay-in 🙂 we are complete. I think we are ready for the addition, in God’s time. 

A new era begins

This week has been a history lesson on Singapore’s founding father in full speed. I got to know more of Mr Lee and what he has done for Singapore. His conviction and dedication for Singapore has left a deep impression on me. I have never met anyone who devoted his life to building a nation and an influential figure that overseas country respect. There’s really nothing left to do except for us to continue to make this place better and continue to work hard to keep this flourishing. May God bless bless his soul and may he rest in peace. God bless us and our nation.